And again, LMS systems at their worst: When I randomize a set of questions, I cannot get statistics in the actual BlackBoard system…why?
Had to go and quickly hack something together for assessment – here it is, export in the long format and run…
[code lang=”perl”]
use strict;
use warnings;
# "Username","Last Name","First Name","Question ID","Question","Answer","Possible Points","Auto Score","Manual Score"
open(IN, "<Final.downloadlong.csv") or die;
while (<IN>) {
my @line = split ",";
next if $line[0] eq "Username";
$line[0] =~ s/"//gi;
$line[0] =~ s/s//gi;
$line[3] =~ s/"//gi;
$line[3] =~ s/[Question ID]//gi;
$line[3] =~ s/s//gi;
$line[$#line-1] =~ s/"//gi;
$line[$#line] =~ s/"//gi;
my $points = $line[$#line-1];
if ($line[$#line] ne "") {
$points = $line[$#line];
my $uname= $line[0];
my $question = $line[3];
print "$uname, $question, $pointsn";