CategoriesOffice Space

ADK Setup

Windows Example (different IDEs for Mac/Linux)

1. Install Android SDKs for Gingerbread and above

2. Follow procedures at (follows)

3. Download Processing if wanted for programming on the phone from
– Install Processing (extract into folder of choice)
– Start processing, find default folder in preferences
– Download add-on libraries from
– Extract add-on libs into the default Processing sketch folder, libraries subfolder
– Re-start Processing, set mode to android (select sdk folder)

4. Download Arduino 1.0 Beta (!) from
– Install (extract into folder of choice)
– Download extra libs from
– Download the MicroBridge Arduino library from
– Extract add-on libs into the default Arduino sketch folder, libraries subfolder
– Problem when compiling the example: wiring.h is missing!
– Download the last official Arduino IDE version (022) and extract into temp folder
– Copy the file <arduino-1.0-beta1 main folder>hardwarearduinocoresarduinowiring.h
<arduino-1.0-beta1 main folder>hardwarearduinocoresarduinowiring.h

5. If you do not want to set things up difficultly, but have instant reward:
– Look at the Seedstudio wiki:
– Copy the sample code SeeeduinoADKDemo.pde into the Arduino IDE, test compile
– Change the LED from 12 to 13 (the on-board LED)
– Compile, upload to board
– Compile/upload the example Android application from to phone
– Connect board to PC for power, phone to board
– Start the demo app on the phone, toggle the on-board LED

6. Start thinking about the ADK apporach to this 😉


Web Conferencing Traffic – An Analysis using DimDim as Example

International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) Vol.2, No.6, November 2010


In this paper, we present an evaluation of the Ethernet traffic for host and attendees of the popular open-source web conferencing system DimDim. While traditional Internet-centric approaches such as the MBONE have been used over the past decades, current trends for web-based conference systems make exclusive use of application-layer multicast. To allow for network dimensioning and QoS provisioning, an understanding of the underlying traffic characteristics is required.

We find in our exemplary evaluations that the host of a web conference session produces a large amount of Ethernet traffic, largely due to the required control of the conference session, that is heavily-tailed distributed and exhibits additionally long-range dependence. For different groups of activities within a web conference session, we find distinctive characteristics of the generated traffic.

Open Access

CategoriesOffice Space

D2L to CSV

Well, sometimes there comes a point where you want some data off Desire to Learn (D2L) and have it in CSV format. This is especially true for surveys, which typically need to be evaluated using other tools. A simple PERL script can help in the process…feel free to use/modify this little script as you need – credit always welcome 😉