When a SPOT does not run anymore, or appear to be non-flashable, there are some short steps that can bring the SPOT back to life. The best results are in a freshly booted OS, without other things running. The total time per SPOT is max. 10 minutes, including the reboot of the OS.
- Disconnect the SPOT from USB.
- Use a Phillips screwdriver (9/64″ works well, typically available in a $-store pack if you need one) to remove the screw that holds the SPOT together.
- Carefully (remember to apply ESD protection if possible) take the SPOT apart; start by disconnecting the battery. You should now have three (or more) main components. Illustrated below are the three main parts: eSPOT (left), eDemo board (middle), and battery (right).
- Connect the main SPOT board (eSPOT), without the battery or the eDemo board through USB and perform the upgrade (ant upgrade).
- Disconnect the SPOT’s main board from USB.
- Reconnect the eSPOT with the eDemo board, but do not connect the battery.
- Reconnect the partially assembled SPOT to USB and perform another upgrade (ant upgrade), which should go smoothly.
- Reconnect the battery, find the screw, and put the SPOT back together.